Tuesday, April 16, 2013


I want to write about something that has been an issue for me lately: happiness. We all struggle with being happy from time to time. I have a simple solution that each of us has already experienced, perhaps we just haven't made the connection between that feeling of happiness and lasting happiness in our lives.

So here it is: when you're feeling unhappy, help someone else.

Have you ever paid for the person's drink behind you in the coffee shop and walked away with a sly grin, knowing you probably just made their day? If not, you should try it. That's just one example, though. There are thousands of ways to help other people and each one is accompanied by a feeling of joy.

So why don't we all go around every day and just try to ease the suffering of those around us? My guess is that it's not convenient or always completely within our comfort zones, but if you can just lift the suffering of another person for a moment, I promise it's not only worth it, but you will continue to feel great the rest of the day.

In my job, I get to help people everyday. As most of you know, I work at Feed My Starving Children, a food aid organization. In my daily job, I not only feed hundreds of kids who don't have families who can care for them, but I also get to help our volunteers. All the meals we pack and send are packaged by volunteers. Last Saturday I helped almost 400 volunteers help other people. While some of our volunteers are high school kids who may not "get it," many are moms and dads and even little 6-year-olds who leave our building absolutely full of the awesome feeling of helping others.

So let's try an experiment. Here are a couple easy ways to help other people. Pick one. Try it. Let me know if it made you feel a bit happier. And before we start thinking it's all about us--this experiment goes both ways by creating a bit of happiness for the person you just helped.
  • Next time you're out a a restaurant, leave a ridiculous tip for your waiter/waitress. He or she is probably barely making ends meet, so be that person that makes his or her life easier.
  • This one is pretty popular right now: pay for the coffee of the person behind you.
  • Smile at a stranger. Not in a creepy way, just a friendly smile to let them know that you acknowledge him or her.
  • Volunteer somewhere like a food shelf or at an after school tutoring center.
  • Remember a time a stranger was nice to you and replicate what they did.
That's it, people! I'm not saying this is a cure for depression or even a way to make you happy until the end of your days, but it will help in that moment of feeling alone and disconnected. I urge you to reach out and help someone else. Let me know how it goes.

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